When using native ads, there is a benign warning that shows up in the logs when the native ad is clicked: By default, metadata-only document changes are suppressed in getDocumentChanges , even when listening to a query with MetadataChanges. Instead, upgrade to Firebase Crashlytics for more powerful, real-time crash analysis and new stability insights. This addresses the issue where version 3. For example, after reading a document that doesn't exist, you can now set it multiple times successfully in a transaction.
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Added the ability to enable immersive mode on full-screen ads by adding the setImmersiveMode method to the PublisherInterstitialAd and RewardedVideoAd classes.

RemoteMessage getMessageId now returns the correct message-id for received messages. Update - June 12, General Your app gradle file now has to explicitly list com. This class also exists in the deprecated com.
SDK Build Tools Release Notes | Android Developers
Decoupled the build-specific components of the Android SDK from the platform-tools component, so that the build tools can be updated independently of the integrated development environment IDE components. Added an API to customize the dynamic link domain that is used in out-of-band email action flows.
The garbage collection process for on-disk persistence that removes older documents is now enabled by default. Fixed a bug that caused Program type already present build errors with androidx. Update - June 21, Cloud Firestore version Authentication Added APIs to support out-of-band codes that can be used to reset passwords, verify identity using email, and recover access to email.
SDK Build Tools Release Notes
Version Release Date Notes Fixed an issue where if an app sent a write to the server, but the app was shut down before a listener received the write, the app could crash. For the library versions mapped to previous BoM versions, review the release notes below.
Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. It looks like something was broken on adroid side during to AS 2. Updated to send engagement metrics via Analytics. You can run tests on these devices as often as you need, at no cost, until the end of the Developer Preview in December.
SDK Build Tools release notes | Android Developers
Resolved known issue where the local cache was not honored even if it had not expired. Improved error messages for certain Number types that are not supported by our serialization layer.
Use the asynchronous FirebaseRemoteConfig. Image Labeling Model com. If you svk to Java 9 and apksigner fails to decrypt your keystore or key, use this parameter to specify the character encoding you used to create the keystore or key.

In addition to automatic screen tracking, you can manually track screens using the FirebaseAnalytics setCurrentScreen method. Fixed a problem with RenderScript bitcode encoding. Recent Changes and Updates. You will need to update the version of the latter dependency to This update of firebase-auth is required to use new versions of firebase-firestorefirebase-functionsfirebase-storageand firebase-database going forward.
Cloud Messaging Fixed an issue that caused apps using Cloud Messaging to crash due to andrroid race condition, and that resulted in a NullPointerException and a ConcurrentModificationException.

Improved performance for reading large collections. Update - December 06, Authentication version dsk You can avoid this increase by running ProGuard on your release builds to remove unneeded methods.
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Sign up using Facebook. To set the network timeout, use FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings.
Internal compatibility changes to improve interoperability with different versions of Google Play services. Added the ability to control whether DocumentReference. App Indexing version
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