понедельник, 3 февраля 2020 г.


Rigorously tested first type of cube merging; not final wave shifting of cubes; with dummy data. To test check the log for iraf. Implement more telluric and flux calibration methods. To only merge final data cubes use a config. When finalized fill this out! For further help type? Libraries which register configuration options typically do not want users of the library API to access those configuration options. dev1 cfg

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These are things that should be reviewed at some point. To only reduce calibrations use a config.

Cs 1.6 dev1 config

The pipeline will automatically find these cubes and combine them with gemcube. Verified overwrite; it seems to be safe to use now.

This means version numbers come in. Variables and functions were named using conventions in the Python Style Guide. All FSL bindings are located in the mvpa2.

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Asked 2 years, 4 months ago. Code style was influenced by the Google Python Style Guide.

dev1 cfg

We would have messages of types: I believe this is because the last step of cube merging does not take into account different RAs and Decs. It dwv1 be used from any script like this:.

Try to do your development in a new branch or fork, not the master branch of the repository Before uploading, do a few test data reductions. Besides printing debug messages, it is also possible to print some metric. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to dev11 and share information.

Dev1 cs config -

See nifsFluxCalibrate for the iraf. Read the Docs v: Navigation index modules next previous oslo.

dev1 cfg

If API users do access private configuration options, those users will be disrupted if and when a configuration option is renamed. We noticed that iraf. Please note, that settings found in the second file override the ones in the first.

You need a config. It is useful if output cfb is specified at run time, thus it is impossible to redirect verbose or debug from the start of the program:. Mark two continuum points and fit a single line profile. Also I wanted to alert the removed input value, but no success. This is essentially a more general case of the Private Configuration Options and Cross-Module Options whereby we expose an option that is already present on the underlying CONF object without providing any means to load it if crg present.

Introduction — nifty dev1 documentation

To only do a flux calibration use a config. By default the devv1 manager reads settings from two config files if any of them exists. Rigorously tested first type of cube merging; not final wave shifting of cubes; with dummy data. Fixed bug in nifsFluxCalibration. You can read more about reStructuredText here. The syntax of both files is the one also known from the Windows INI files.

dev1 cfg

Nifty uses semantic versioning see http: To only merge final data cubes use a config. Please let me know if this seems to be causing you issues and I can come up with a better fix.

It may be required that when passing a CONF object to other functions we want to filter that the receiving code is only able to access a restricted subset of the options that are available on the CONF object.

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